Shortcodes are short numbers (usually 3-6 digits) that can be used to send SMS or make calls to special services.
These services could relate to:
– Selfcare (managing your mobile service)
– Regulatory (porting)
– Emergency services
Transatel makes the following shortcodes for subscribers to call:
500: Customer service
Routes the call to the MVNO’s customer service (long number defined by the MVNO)
555: Voicemail
Routes the subscriber to Transatel’s voicemail service. The voicemail service can also be accessed by dialing 0044 (0) 7870020555 from a landline or another mobile.
789: Advice of charge
When in roaming, subscribers will receive an SMS warning that roaming charges may apply. They can call this shortcode to contact their MVNO. Transatel will route this call to the MVNO’s information team (long number defined by the MVNO)
Transatel makes the following shortcodes for subscribers to text:
1250: SMS selfcare
For PAYG or RTCP MVNOs only.
This shortcode allows subscribers to text a keyword to manage their subscription, such as buying a bundle, redeeming a top-up code or finding out their remaining bundle balance.
Ofcom obliges mobile operators to make the following shortcodes available. These are managed completely by Transatel on behalf of our MVNOs:
75075: PAC
Text “PAC” to 75075: Selfcare service for subscribers to retrieve their PAC code and switching information if they wish to port out.
85075: STAC
Text “STAC” to 75075: Selfcare service for subscribers to retrieve their STAC code and switching information if they wish to change service providers without keeping their number.
65075: Info
Text “Info” to 65075: Selfcare service for subscribers to find out any applicable charges if they are thinking about changing service providers.
More information on porting here.
The following useful services are available to subscribers. They are managed by 3rd parties:
999: Police
Text ‘REGISTER’ to 999 to subscribe to the emergency services for deaf and heard-of-hearing.
61016: British Transport Police
A text service to report a non-emergency crime on public transport.
85258: Shout
Subscribers can text SHOUT to this number to access a free, confidential, anonymous text support service for persons dealing with mental health issues.
7726: SPAM
If a subscriber has received a spam SMS, they can report it to the national database by forwarding the original SMS to this number.