Understanding user account architecture

User accounts in our interface are based on 3 foundations:
– which customer account they can access
– which scopes the user has
– which rights the user has

Let’s see how this works
A Customer Account is a fleet of SIM – most of our customers only have one, but some, requiring services on very different technical frameworks, have multiple accounts.

A Scope define which menus or submenus the user will see.
For example, users with “Finance Manager” role will be able to see the Invoices menu.
However, scopes only give access, they do not define what the user can do in the menu, this is defined by the Rights.
This means that a user with Admin role will be able to see the Admin menu, but will only be able to create or manage user accounts if they have the rights to do so.
For further details on scopes, click here.

Finally, a Right is the access to a minor feature or action. For example Activating a SIM card.
There are many rights, as we let you decide exactly what each user should or should not be able to do.
This is why critical actions such as terminating a SIM card (an action that cannot be reversed) is a separate from other rights, so that only the right people in your organization have this power.
For further details on user rights, click here.

To sum thing up, to be able to perform an action on a SIM, the user account must have:
– access to the customer account of the SIM
– the scope to which the action belongs
– the right to which the action corresponds

Let’s take the example of activating SIM cards in bulk.
The user who wants to perform an activation in bulk will require a user account with:
– access to the customer accounts the SIMs belong to
– the Fleet Manager scope, which grants access to bulk actions
– the specific right to manage SIMs in bulk

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