Analytics & Reports

Switching Termination Fees report

About switching
Transatel allows MVNOs to enter their subscribers’ termination fees in case of switching via our Auriga interface.
More information on the Termination Fees that can be entered can be found here.

About the Termination Fees report
By default, at 00:00 on on the first day of each month, Transatel will generate a CSV report containing all of the Termination Fees that the MVNO has entered into Auriga.
It is exported to the directory /Exports/Reports/SwitchingFees, and it will be named MVNOaccountname_SwitchingTerminationFee_YYYYMMDD.csv
The files will be automatically removed from the sFTP server after 90 days.


TransatelId: A unique number (19 integer) assigned by Transatel to a SIM. This number is in general printed on the SIM
MvnoRef: MVNO account name
Handsetfee: handset fees in decimal format
Handsetexpirationdate: handset contract end date in “yyyy-MM-dd” format
Monthlyfee: fees in decimal format
MaximumFee: maximum fees in decimal format
Monthlychargeexpirationdate: contract end date in “yyyy-MM-dd” format
Fixedfee: fees in decimal format
Fixedchargeexpirationdate: contract end date in “yyyy-MM-dd” format

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