Analytics & Reports

About the Analytics Reports

How to access the Analytics Reports in the interface
The Business Intelligence reports are a feature available for our IoT, MVNO France, MVNO BE and MVNO UK clients.

To access the reports, go to Tracking & reports > Analytics Reports

If you do not see the menu, or have a message saying that you do not have access to the reports, please get in touch with your account manager to subscribe to the service.

Details about data history, refresh frequency…
-Data history: at launch the reports offer 3 months of data history. After the launch they will have up to 1 year of history
-Update frequency:
-Daily update of the fleet overview snapshot
-Refresh every 30mins of the usage reports
-Data from the reports can easily be exported in CSV format for further analysis and sharing, or the graphs can be exported in PDF & PPT files.

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